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Drunk TV host causes a car accident

August 9, 2008 1 comment

Today while reading the local newspapers, I came across articles where it is mentioned that a famous TV host in Mauritius has been the cause of a serious car accident and moreover the alcoholic testing made on her was positive!!

What have really attracted my attention was the fact that two large newspapers in Mauritius have taken the precaution of not mentioning the name of the TV host but instead referred to her as an MBC (Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation) employee. Only Le Defi Media Group newspaper had the decency of revealing her name as shown in the URL link below

Une conductrice ivre provoque un grave accidentl’express Samedi
Pamela Patten à l’origine d’un grave accident de voiture
Le Defi Media Group
Grave accident à Pailles
Le Matinal

Beijing 2008: The Olympic game’s opening

August 8, 2008 1 comment

Today 8th August 2008 is a date to remember, as China is hosting the 29th Olympics game in Beijing. Much controversies have arise in the western world due to the fact that many organisations (especially the Pro-Human Rights activists such as Reporters Without Borders) have argued that there should be a boycott of the games openings which I consider to be totally stupid and irresponsible. Enough said about this issue, I will be regularly posting some news during the month about the games especially the attitudes of the western media about this event. So from now on the games can start!!

Facebook Texas Hold’em

August 7, 2008 Leave a comment

I started playing Texas Hold’em on Facebook. I got to admit its great to play on Facebook platform and within the Facbook community. In fact its better simply because we are not playing for cash and believe me if it was for real my bank account would be crying by now 😉

‘Le premier sexe’

August 5, 2008 3 comments

In the near future I’m planning to buy ‘Le premier sexe‘ which is a book from French author and journalist Eric Zemmour who described and explained the process of feminisation of our modern society. The book explicitly describe how the feminist movement actively participate in the ‘castration’ of man and bring a negative impact on our society.


A quoi ressemble l’homme idéal ? Il s’épile. Il achète des produits de beauté. Il porte des bijoux. Il rêve d’amour éternel. Il croit dur comme fer aux valeurs féminines. Il préfère le compromis à l’autorité et privilégie le dialogue, la tolérance, plutôt que la lutte. L’homme idéal est une vraie femme. Il a rendu les armes. Le poids entre ses jambes est devenu trop lourd. Certaines féministes se sont emparées de cette vacance du pouvoir, persuadées que l’égalité c’est la similitude. Aujourd’hui, les jeunes générations ont intégré cette confusion. Les fils ne rêvent que de couple et de féminisation longue durée. Ils ne veulent surtout pas être ce qu’ils sont : des garçons. Tout ce qui relève du masculin est un gros mot. Une tare. Mais la révolte gronde. Les hommes ont une identité à reprendre. Une nouvelle place à conquérir. Pour ne plus jamais dire à leurs enfants : ” Tu seras une femme, mon fils. “

How harmful can technology be?

August 3, 2008 2 comments

Technology as a whole provides us with a lot of benefits in our everyday life whether at work, at home, when traveling etc. But apart from these facilities and benefits, technology do possesses a lot of disadvantages that the ordinary media try to avoid in fear to displease their master which is capitalism!

These disadvantages ranges from ‘laissez aller’ attitude for example television which have largely contributed to the increase of obesity among children and young adults due to lack of physical activities, addiction from social network websites which provides more of a ‘voyeur’ attitude rather than keeping individuals in touch, harassment from mobile phones or via SMS, viruses or hackers which only aims at stealing your personal information and your bank account at the same time.

With all these disadvantages mentioned and others which haven’t been said, will these stop us from using these ‘precious’ tools of our everyday life? I would rather say NO! or in other circumstances it could also be YES! So its you the jury to decide!!

Interesting multimedia website

August 2, 2008 Leave a comment

I was very happy to come across one true media which is an interactive website providing you with multimedia services such as creating customs videos, montages, screensavers etc. with your personal photos. Moreover the site enables you to dynamically uploads your creations on Myspace, Friendster, facebook, Blogger, YouTube and more.

Personally I have created a video tribute of my favourite actor Arnold Scwarzenegger and I have posted it directly on my YouTube account. In the near future I will be posting more customised videos on my profile, so stay tuned 😉 is awesome

August 2, 2008 Leave a comment

Some social network websites are simply awesome and one of them is which provides its users with music they desire to listen. Moreover it is possible to update the music that you are currently listening in the music list, simply by connecting you Ipod to your computer and this automatically updates your profile page!!!

You can view my personal page by clicking here

Got pinched…….because of a cigarette

July 30, 2008 Leave a comment

Today, while returning home after university courses, I stopped in the capital (Port-Louis) to enjoy a meal in a fast-food restaurant. After eating I immediately headed to a retail shop to buy a one cigarette ( this practice of buying is common in Mauritius), light it up and enjoy the smoke.

Unfortunately after smoking I carelessly throw the rest of it on the pavement, when immediately a police officer who came out of nowhere ‘intercepted’ me, introduced himself as an environmental police officer and asked me to give my identity card. Not only did he noted my name, ID number but he also asked me several questions such as what do I do in life, where do I live, my phone number etc etc.

So I told the officer that I agree I was at fault and think that in fact he was doing his job properly, nevertheless I asked him if am I going to get a fine, in the first place he told me yes, then he told me not to do it again, of course I tried at least to apologise myself and asked him again if I was going to be fined, he was evasive….and told me that I was free to go.

Till now I haven’t received any phone call about this issue, Was he serious when he took my name, ID etc? Was he ‘trying’ only to be impressive which would make me think twice before repeating this ‘crime’ again? Perhaps time will tell!

Maxwell: The outsider

July 27, 2008 Leave a comment

For some years now, I have been reading Maxwell: The outsider by Tom Bower which is an unauthorised biography of Robert Maxwell a fascinating thus controversial character who roses from extreme poverty to incredible wealth and power and his spectacular downfall and mysterious death. A lot for only one man who happen to be born on the same date as me only his was sixty years ago 😉


Publisher, politician, financier, industrialist, printer and sportsman, Robert Maxwell is a man who has provoked loyalty and loathing as well fascination from those who have witnessed his courage, energy, ambition and business acumen. In writing his biography the author has interviewed over 350 people across the world who have known Maxwell – as a young boy brought up as an orthodox Jew; in the Czech and British armies during the Second World War; in post-war Berlin and in the City of London; in Westminster where he hoped to become a senior minister in Harold Wilson’s government; and in New York where his Czech relations live.

Courtesy of

Bright or stupid??

July 26, 2008 Leave a comment

We all agree that technology contributes largely to our daily activities more positively than negatively, but does it affect your life stupidly as shown in this pic??? 😉

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